Granada, Spain – july 22, 2024 – We are pleased to announce the successful deployment of Pilot 1 of the Buildchain project at Hospital Real, part of the University of Granada. This…
BUILDCHAIN will create a scalable BIM-based decentralized knowledge platform to digitally identify, register, update, and analyze massive amounts of data related to the overall life-cycle of buildings based on Origin Trail Decentralized Knowledge Graph. The BUILDCHAIN project will design and develop its own Digital Building Logbook solution for the integration of building data and knowledge, and the inclusion of new applications and functionalities dealing with integrated information, efficiency, circularity and transparency to improve the building stock, facilitate informed decision making and its validation.
Type of data produced to be logged to the DBL: environmental footprint calculations for building materials and elements in all life stages.
Type of data produced to be logged to the DBL: Optimized policies and rules at a system level.
Type of data produced to be logged to the DBL: alerts and warnings when anomalies are detected.
Type of data produced to be logged to the DBL: sensitivity ranking of the relevant climate variables and hazards, exposure ranking, likelihood of climate hazard, safety coefficients, seismic risk indexes and seismic performance classification.
Type of data produced to be logged to the DBL: Updated material properties, identified damages in structural parts, raw vibration data, modal vibration, structural integrity model inputs.
Type of data produced to be logged to the DBL: updated material properties and connection properties between structural elements.
Type of data produced to be logged to the DBL: flood depth, urban flash flood index.
Type of data produced to be logged to the DBL: Optimal sensor configuration.
Type of data produced to be logged to the DBL: damage levels.
Type of data produced to be logged to the DBL: estimated costs for building elements in different project stages.
Type of data produced to be logged to the DBL: Optimized order of renovation activities, estimation of renovation works time, estimation of users’ disruption considering both the final users of the renovation works and neighbors, as well as citizens.
Type of data produced to be logged to the DBL: Sensor/actuator activation events, demand-response signals, occupant participation to demand-response events, comfort conditions and energy consumption of the building will be recorded in the DBL.
Website: https://www.unipi.it/
Location: Pisa (Italy)
UNIPI is the Project Coordinator as well as the Leader of WP1 - Project Management and Coordination and WP5 - Built Environment Ecosystem Economy Pilots. UNIPI will contribute to WP2 on the analysis and development of use cases (T.2.2) and design of events and triggers (T2.5), especially concerning the earthquake and climate proof of buildings. UNIPI will also lead Task 4.2 on Multi-scale Approach for BIM and HBIM.
Website: https://www.ugr.es/
Location: Granada (Spain)
UGR is involved in several activities of BUILDCHAIN. It leads WP6 concerning the project communication, dissemination and exploitation activities. UGR also leads the Pilot 1 (“Hospital Real”) located in Granada. UGR is also actively involved in the development of several uses cases and the development and testing of the technological applications of the BUILDCHAIN platform, specifically those related with SHM and Bayesian system identification.
Website: https://www.sztaki.hu/en/science/departments/infolab
Location: Budapest, Hungary
SZTAKI's main contribution to the BUILDCHAIN project, besides adding its Big Data and AI expertise, is to close the loop by enabling a probabilistic update process with which design procedures and our predictive modeling abilities can be improved leading towards innovation and a safer, more resilient, more efficient, and healthier built
Websites: https://www.zag.si/
Location: Ljubljana, Slovenia
Website: https://www.uni-lj.si
Location: Ljubljana (Slovenia)
From the University of Ljubljana participate the (1) Faculty of Computer Science and Informatics and the (2) Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering. The former will take part in the activities within WP2 (i.e. participate in the SOTA, methodology and use case analysis and lead the task for the design of the Logbook Ontology) and lead WP3 (i.e. implementation of the decentralised knowledge graph). The later will take part in WP4 (digital twin of a structure) and in WP5 (procedures for improved design by Bayesian updating).
website: http://stecon.cs.aueb.gr/
location: Athens, Greece
AUEB has a leading role in the project tasks on trust assessment, economics and business models, energy efficiency of buildings and related mechanisms, as well as in their applications in Pilots 3 and 4.
Websites: https://tracelabs.io/, https://origintrail.io/
Location: Ljubljana, Slovenia and Belgrade, Serbia
Trace Labs’ main contribution will be the integration of OriginTrail Decentralized Knowledge Graph (DKG) with the existing EU Digital Building LogBook system, creating a new powerful knowledge base with blockchain and artificial intelligence capabilities. The DKG will provide a tamper-proof and decentralized database that can be accessed by all parties involved in a building’s life cycle, including architects, contractors, building owners and regulators. This will help increase transparency, trust, and collaboration among all stakeholders through: connected knowledge assets as digital twins; data verification predictive maintenance and compliance and regulations.
Location: The headquarter of the company is in Genova (Italy), but RINA has over 200 offices in 70 countries.
RINA is involved in several activities of BUILDCHAIN. It leads Task 2.1 concerning DBL positioning, SoA and methodology, as well as WP4 (Technological Applications of DBLs), where specifically will lead Task 4.1 (concerning the development of a Deep Renovation Workflow, Management Tool), and it will participate to the development of other Technological applications. RINA will be also involved in the testing of the technological applications on the demonstration sites, specifically on the Italian demo sites located in Florence. Finally, RINA will lead Task 6.3, which will deliver guidelines for use of DBL (Guidelines for the use of the Logbook and pre-standardisation activities).
Website: https://www.comune.fi.it
Location: Florence, Italy
The municipality of Florence will provide access and information to an existing Digital Logbook being developed by the municipality for the administration and for the management of operational data of its buildings.
Website: https://www.clio.it
Location: Lecce, Italy
CLIO is a software company and experts in the subject domain, that develops network architecture to transport information with low-latency and high reliability. In the Project: Clio will provide expertise in IoT-based data collection techniques (sensor systems, and network architecture), and will actively participate in the communications, dissemination and exploitation activities.
website: https://www.protim.si
Website: www.bexelmanager.com
Location: Belgrade, Serbia
BEXEL Consulting is a modern, high-tech, construction and engineering consultancy company. BEXEL is a developer of an integrated 3D/4D/5D/6D openBIM project management platform with reputable expertise in data management, actively involved in the development of openBIM standards IFC, MVD, IDM, BCF, openCDE and data-driven BIM project management. BEXEL will contribute to the integration of BIM-based solutions connected with the BUILDCHAIN system.
"Hospital Real" in Granada
The pilot will demonstrate how the BUILDCHAIN platform will allow anticipated decision-making by autonomous execution rules....
Hospital building in Slovenia
Databases of projects BoQs will be gathered in a standardized format so that it will be possible to perform statistical analyses...
Palazzo Poniatowsky-Guadagni
The pilot will present the benefits of the BUILDCHAIN platform for strategic and heritage buildings and will show how BUILDCHAIN can...
School buildings in Florence
The pilot will present the benefits of using the BUILDCHAIN platform for a large population of buildings belonging to the same authority...
Multi-storey timber buildings
The pilot will demonstrate how follow-up procedures can help in the improvement of design procedures (e.g. for non-conventional building, such as tall timber buildings
Granada, Spain – july 22, 2024 – We are pleased to announce the successful deployment of Pilot 1 of the Buildchain project at Hospital Real, part of the University of Granada. This…
We are thrilled to announce that the BUILDCHAIN project was featured at the 9th MILAB Meetup, held at HUN-REN SZTAKI (Institute for Computer Science and…
We are excited to announce that our research team was recently featured on the TV channel Canal Sur Más in their technology-focused program EnRed. In…
The communication channel of the University of Granada (UGR) recently interviewed our research team about the innovative project we are conducting at the historic Hospital…