This pilot will demonstrate the capabilities of BUILDCHAIN acting as a self-adaptive expert system for proactive maintenance of cultural heritage buildings such as the “Hospital Real”, a 16th century hospital serving today as UGR’s Headquarters. To this end, first, the most critical deterioration processes will be identified and modelled using data from existing monitoring (accelerometers and digital photogrammetry) and new monitoring data form sensors that will monitor the physical variables responsible to degradation of stone, such as moisture, pollution, etc. Degradation processes in structural and non-structural parts such as surface recession, corrosion, etc. due to climate loads and extreme events will be considered. Then, the deterioration data will be used to create a hybrid AI model to produce updated degradation predictions according to the data. Finally, the resulting predictive deterioration model(s) will be integrated within a system representation model to simulate the impact of a particular inspection and/or maintenance action into the foreseen deterioration process, which encompasses a significant research challenge due to the heterogeneity, interdependence and non-linearity of the maintenance operations in reality. Novel methodological frameworks such as High Level Petri nets (HLPNs) will be investigated and enhanced to efficiently incorporate monitoring data, expert knowledge, and maintenance non-linearities creating a self-adaptive expert system for proactive maintenance and self-attentive sensing system management


The pilot will demonstrate how the BUILDCHAIN platform will allow anticipated decision-making by autonomous execution rules using prognostics information and monitoring data. The simulated outcomes from the resulting tool will subsequently be used to provide a rationale for decision-making about the need for inspection, maintenance, or restoration. 


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Pilot 1

"Hospital Real" in Granada

Leader: UGR

The pilot will demonstrate how the BUILDCHAIN platform will allow anticipated decision-making by autonomous execution rules....

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Pilot 2

Hospital building in Slovenia

Leader: ZAG

Databases of projects BoQs will be gathered in a standardized format so that it will be possible to perform statistical analyses...

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Pilot 3

Palazzo Poniatowsky-Guadagni

Leader: UNIPI

The pilot will present the benefits of the BUILDCHAIN platform for strategic and heritage buildings and will show how BUILDCHAIN can...

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Pilot 4

School buildings in Florence

Leader: UNIPI

The pilot will present the benefits of using the BUILDCHAIN platform for a large population of buildings belonging to the same authority...

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Pilot 5

Multi-storey timber buildings

Leader: SZTAKI

The pilot will demonstrate how follow-up procedures can help in the improvement of design procedures (e.g. for non-conventional building, such as tall timber buildings

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